Colombia The valley of the Magdalena River

This is where wildly grows the tree that gives rise to our project: Magdalena River Nuts.
Nuts rich in Natural selenium.

The Community

The base of this project is the support to the communities that inhabit the territories where the tree of a wild way grows.

River NUTS

Once the nuts are processed under strict quality controls we produce ingredients with high organically bioavailable selenium content that can be used in::

COLOMBIA The valley of the Magdalena River

It is north of Colombia where the Magdalena River Delta is located, this river runs through most of the Colombian territory and provides food to thousands of peasants living in its surroundings.

It is in these lands where the tree grows wild: (Lecythis Minor - Monkey Pot) known as monkey pot, which is part of the biodiversity of the area, whose fruit is the Magdalena River NUTS. Thanks to the composition of its soils, geographic location and geological conditions it has a characteristic that makes them unique in the world, its high concentration of Natural Selenium.

The harvest of this wonderful fruit is a means of subsistence for the communities of the area, allowing their economic and social development, this tree grows in a wild way so it has a high ecological impact, allowing the balance of the ecosystem, allowing the care for the communities in the area.

The Selenium
The Magdalena River Nuts a natural source of selenium a fundamental trace element for humans.

The Magdalena River Nuts a natural source of Selenium an essential trace element for the human being.

The natural origin is a primary feature in the products we use as food, it is considered that vitamins and trace elements are more valuable if they come from a natural source.

The tree from which these nuts come: Lecythis Minor, is part of the species Lecythis (MORI 1990) this species has an interesting feature: Selenium accumulate in the seeds do grow in Seleniferous soils, we find these wild soils on the banks of the Magdalena River, mythical , ancestral and millennial Rio, which covers a large part of the Colombian geography in more than 1,500km, reaching its mouth in the Caribbean Sea, this species develops wildly reaching several communities, where we play a fundamental role for the development of them and allows us to reach the precious fruit of these trees: the Magdalena River Nuts.


Known as Monkey Pot, it is part of the biodiversity that develops wildly in northern Colombia on the banks of the Magdalena River.



In these remote and difficult to access areas the trees have had a wild maturation process, the communities that exist around them thanks to the development of the Magdalena River NUTS project



Because of their longevity characteristics, these trees take 10 years to enter their productive stage, once the nuts are produced, they take between 12 and 18 months to generate their fruits again.


They grow inside a carapace that is commonly known as a "monkey Pot", its size can vary between 8 and 15cm in diameter, once outside the ¨pot¨ the Magdalena River NUTS have a semi-rigid layer that separates and protects them . Inside the ¨Pot¨ you can find from 8 to 14 nuts depending on the size of the ¨Pot¨.

This tree grows preferably in soils with high selenium content, the tree naturally absorbs Selenium through its roots, and transforms it organically and transmits its fruits in the form of organic compounds known as SELENIOMETIONINA and SELENIOCISTEINA, these are accumulate in the endosperm of the Magdalena nut in high concentrations, it is precisely this characteristic that makes the Magdalena River NUTS an exclusive, wild and natural source of Natural - Natural Selenium, thus being available for extraction through several processes that we have developed in our production plant PROTECNICA INGENIERIA in Cali- Valle del Cauca Colombia.

The Community

In these remote and difficult to reach areas, the trees have had a wild process of maturation, the communities that exist around them thanks to the development of the Magdalena River NUTS project are benefited with the harvest provided by these trees, because as we mentioned earlier these nuts are not edible, and with our project we generate income for these communities, allowing them not to be deforested, because these selenitic soils have little value, they are in danger of extinction.

With our project we achieved an impact on 3 geographical areas in the north of Colombia, reaching a large number of communities and families, because of its wild characteristics the whole process is done manually and can be classified into 3 stages, collecting the ¨monkey pot¨ Classification of the nut and manual peeling, to then go to the weighing, buying and packing for transport to our production plant.

In each of these three stages families from the area intervene, which generates a considerable social impact. The spirit of the project is to generate better conditions for the communities in the area, since they are very poor and with little chance of getting ahead.

Magdalena River of Nuts extract three wild exclusive products rich natural selenium

There oils 100 % native pressed in cold for the Care of the skin with moisturizing properties, humectantes, emollient.


Contains a concentration of 1,000 ppm of Natural Selenium and all essential amino acids, fiber and minerals.

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Our experience

Founded in 1978 Protecnica Ingeniería s.a.s. is a leader in the development, production, marketing and export of specialty chemicals, has two production plants first in the Cauca Valley, and the second in Cartagena Colombia. It is part of the PROCHEM GROUP that has 7 companies in 5 countries, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and the United States. It has a wide international recognition in the cosmetic and home care segments, food ingredients, sugar and fermentation, industrial line.
