Known as Monkey Pot, it is part of the biodiversity that develops wildly in northern Colombia on the banks of the Magdalena River, due to its geological characteristics (lowlands, warm humid and tropical) many of its soils are rich in Selenium and other nutrients.

This tree can reach up to 40 meters, are long-lived trees and reach their productive stage at 10 years, this species prefers fertile deep soils and with a sunny position, its roots can be even longer than the tree.

Unlike the Brazil nut that only produces its seeds towards the top of the tree, this species can fructify even the lowest branches.

The seeds take 18 months to mature after flowering. Another notable difference with Brazil nuts is that they are not edible directly, so they must take advantage of their high content of Natural Selenium through demanding transformation processes that allows to obtain by-products with this fundamental element for the human being called ORGANIC SELENIO because it has been processed previously by the tree.