They grow inside a carapace that is commonly known as a "monkey Pot", its size can vary between 8 and 15cm in diameter, once outside the ¨pot¨ the Magdalena River NUTS have a semi-rigid layer that separates and protects them . Inside the ¨Pot¨ you can find from 8 to 14 nuts depending on the size of the ¨Pot¨.

This tree grows preferably in soils with high selenium content, the tree naturally absorbs Selenium through its roots, and transforms it organically and transmits its fruits in the form of organic compounds known as SELENIOMETIONINA and SELENIOCISTEINA, these are accumulate in the endosperm of the Magdalena nut in high concentrations, it is precisely this characteristic that makes the Magdalena River NUTS an exclusive, wild and natural source of Natural - Natural Selenium, thus being available for extraction through several processes that we have developed in our production plant PROTECNICA INGENIERIA in Cali- Valle del Cauca Colombia.