Our Experience

Founded in 1978 Protecnica Ingeniería s.a.s. is a leader in the development, production, marketing and export of specialty chemicals, has two production plants first in the Cauca Valley, and the second in Cartagena Colombia. It is part of the PROCHEM GROUP that has 7 companies in 5 countries, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and the United States. It has a wide international recognition in the cosmetic and home care segments, food ingredients, sugar and fermentation, industrial line.

We control the entire process from the collection of the Magdalena River NUTS to production.
We have over 40 years experience in the production of specialty chemicals.


KOSHER Ortodox Union

Resources and infrastructure

Specialized application laboratories. Highly trained technical team, exclusive R + D + i area. We have all the equipment with state-of-the-art technology for the development and application of our products.

Research and development

Our research center has developed several projects jointly with the support of Colciencias, currently carrying out a patent and three completed research projects with the support of the Government of Colombia.

Excellence at your service

Nour production plant is strategically located in Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
Area 16,500 m2
1,800 m2 warehouses, 4 areas
22,300 m2 production
1,050 m2 offices
250 m2 bulk tanks
3 different productive areas:
Oleo chemicals
Assembling finished product
Hydrogenation Hydrolysis
Esterification, amidation
Polymerization, Betainizacion
Quaternization, Emulsions

105 employees
7,800 Ton / Year of manufacture